So, You Wanted to Explore Glencoe

So, You Wanted to Explore Glencoe

When we were in Scotland, we stopped by Glencoe to eat dinner.  On our way out of Glencoe, we stopped on the side of the road to explore some mountains/hills.  They were amazing. 

There was a storm coming in from behind us, and he commented that he hoped the storm looked worse than it was.  Despite his comment, we all walked down toward the valley.  My knee was still hurting from hiking up Ben Vrackie a couple of days ago.  It slowed me down, but didn't stop me.  There's something magical about Glencoe, that just pulls you in.  Even knowing there was a storm approaching, we couldn't help ourselves but to listen to the hills and mountains beckoning to us. 

There's noticeable rain drops on my lens, but there was no good way for me to fix it in that moment.  One of the guys made it all the way to the bottom of the valley before the storm descended on us with nature's full force.  Rain, snow, and wind erupted around us in an instant.  I covered my camera, and made a mad dash back to the car.  By the time the last guy made it back to the car, he was completely drenched, and out of breath.

They used the area to film Hagrid's Hut in Harry Potter.  That's right near the pub which was about a mile back from where the photograph was taken.

Glencoe is a place I'd love to go back to.  I want to explore the area, and enjoy the full magic of nature on a nice sunny day with no storms approaching.  If you ever visit Scotland, I'd recommend it.  We didn't have nearly enough time there--only a few minutes.  There was a hiking trail that disappeared among the mountains I'd love to follow.  I bet it leads to the elves, or maybe the wizards.  This is the best magic us muggles could hope for!    

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