I stood at the top, taking in the views around me, and watching as the fog rolled in. The hike up Stone Mountain took us over rocks and dirt, through forests and open views, and past trees growing out of stone. It was October in Georgia, so it was still warm. The fog brought in cooler temperatures, and a stark white background on the mountain top.
The hike itself isn't terribly hard. It's steep, but not hard to do. In a few spots, you have to step up on the stone over a small jagged hill, but it was never too strenuous. It took a few hours to go up and come back down, but some of that time is tied with my photography slowing us down.
I lost my favorite rain hat a couple of days before this hike in another city in Georgia. It's hard to break ball caps in, and this one I'd had for years. It was the perfect amount of worn and comfy, while still keeping the rain off of my glasses. I was worried the fog would decide to laugh at my misfortune, but it took pity on me, and opted not to rain.
There was a woman with a baby strapped to her back who ran up and down the mountain three times while we were exploring. Two guys approached her and asked to take a picture together. They said she was their hero for being so incredible.
Nature brings people together. Strangers can find common ground while witnessing something they've never seen before, and for a moment, you're all connected.
I recommend this hike! It's very pretty.